Picking the Right Level
Q: What is the appropriate Nancy Larson Science Homeschool program for my child?
A: The correct Nancy Larson Science Homeschool kit for your child depends on a number of factors—student age and grade level, science knowledge, and the family homeschool setting. Nancy Larson Science Homeschool is designed to build knowledge and confidence about science. The complete Nancy Larson Science Homeschool K–5 is effective for ages 5 through 13.

Let’s look at several methods that might help you decide:
Many parents have found it helpful to use the vocabulary words from our Word Wall List to evaluate what their child knows. One strategy is to show the child the vocabulary list and say, "I know you can read and spell these words. What can you tell me about this science word and what it means?" The parent will point to 10–20 words from the list and wait for the child's response. This helps distinguish between "recognizing a topic" and "knowing the science."
Look at more than a child's age. A child may be very bright and advanced but still need a full science curriculum that is at age level. Parents tend to pick a lower, or younger, level Nancy Larson Science Homeschool kit to ensure that their child gets the learning strategies and study skills that are built into the science lessons. Through the teacher's script and the science conversation it creates, children learn or practice: distinguishing important facts, critical thinking, recording observations, making and labeling scientific illustrations, cross-referencing, language arts skills (such as vocabulary building, reading comprehension, listening, and writing), career awareness, and self-evaluation.
Choose a homeschool kit that works well for children of different ages and grades. Some parents know they will be teaching several children together and select the program that's best for the middle child. Then they use the Nancy Larson Science Literature Connections to challenge the older child and ask that child to write longer explanations in the lesson reviews and activities. For the younger child, the parent will coach that child on spelling and writing required for the lessons. Usually these parents plan to re-teach the program when the child is older and better able to complete the scientific illustrations and labeling.